Associations 21 n’a pas les moyens de suivre toutes les initiatives en lien avec chaque ODD. En l’occurrence, l’ODD 16, “Paix, justice et institutions efficaces” est évidemment crucial pour atteindre les 17 ODD de l’Agenda 2030. Si des ONG belges souhaitent faire partie du réseau international TAP Network (pour Transparency, Accountability and Participation), vous pouvez directement contacter Tor Hodenfield, dont courrier ci-dessous. Merci de nous tenir au courant de votre suivi !

Courrier de TAP Network

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this finds you well. I work with the Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) Network, an international coalition of civil society organizations working to help realize the human rights and development aspirations enshrined in UN Sustainable Development Goal 16+ and the 2030 agenda.

I am reaching out today to ask if you would be interested in joining the #SDG16Now Campaign – a civil society campaign calling for accelerated action on United Nations Sustainable Goal 16 + on creating just, peaceful and inclusive societies by 2030.

As you may know 2023 marks the half-way point for implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Throughout 2023 there will be a number of critical opportunities to evaluate and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG16+, which calls on all countries to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions. 

Given your organization’s expertise in this area, we would be thrilled if you would consider becoming a TAP Member and joining us on this journey. In particular, TAP’s work in 2023 will focus on a broad mobilization campaign around SDG16+ and the halfway to 2030 moment, in which we will have many exciting opportunities for civil society colleagues from across the world to develop joint strategies and campaigns to ensure that governments and UN Stakeholders strengthen their commitments to achieve the SDG16+ at the national and international level.

Our membership approach is purposely light-touch and prioritizes providing spaces for like-minded national, regional and international civil society groups to develop concerted approaches to engaging national governments, UN mechanisms and mobilizing a range of stakeholders during this critical year of action.

If you or relevant colleagues at your organization are interested in joining this space, we simply ask that you complete this very brief form by 5 April to join the TAP Network as we look to launch our #SDG16Now Campaign in the weeks ahead (it will not take more than 5 minutes to complete!). In the form you will be able to select from a list of curated actions to facilitate your engagement in TAP and related SDG16+ activities in 2023, including this campaign. Please note, to join the campaign you must be part of a civil society organization or social movement, as we are not in a position to accept individual members.

In addition, you may consider becoming a full TAP Partner, which will enable us to strengthen our institutional relationship. If you are interested in becoming a TAP Partner you may also complete this form.

Thank you very much in advance for your consideration and please do not hesitate to write to me here with any further queries.


Tor Hodenfield

Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator, TAP Network